Our Portfolio consist of prime properties and stakes in various listed and non-listed companies.
Our main objective is to maximize the return of our investments by investing in a potential high yield investment opportunity in Indonesia. We carefully select our investments in order to maximize the return of our investments as well as providing a steady flow of income stream. Our objective is to grow our assets in a long-term horizon.
Properties Portfolio
Our properties portfolio consists of primarily prime office properties located in Jakarta Sudirman Central Business District. With close proximity to public transportation and central prime location, these portfolio generate a steady and predictable cash flow for the company.

Investment Portfolio
Our investment principal is very straightforward. We focus on creation of value as well as preservation of our capital. We continue to identify investment opportunities where our capital and investments can create value and our portfolio will continue to grow and provide a good return for our company and our shareholders. Our strategy is to acquire and invest in a high-quality business on a value basis, actively control and manage its operations, and when the opportunity comes, sell them for a good profit, and we re-invested the capital into other business opportunities.